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Commentators from around the world are weighing in on the Augmented Age and this ground-breaking book. Don't just take our word for it...
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The first edition of BANK 2.0 - #1 on Amazon's bestseller list for banking and finance in the US, UK, Germany, France, and Japan for over 18 months—took the financial world by storm and became synonymous with disruptive customer behaviour, technology shift, and new banking models.
"In the next 10 years, we'll see more disruption and changes to the banking and financial industry than we've seen in the preceding 100 years"—Brett King Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking is a unique collection of interviews take from across the global Financial Services Technology (or FinTech) domain detailing the stories, case studies, start-ups, and emerging trends that will define this disruption.
In the wake of the global financial crisis, retail bankers face another equally challenging shift to their business in the near term – the demise of the branch. In the UK, one bank branch has closed everyday since 1990. In the US, transaction volume in-branch will be down almost 60% between the period 2006-2015.